
发布时间: 2021-09-25 00:00:00 信息来源: 晋城在线





蟒河旅游风景区有“奇、幽、秀、险”四大特点,素有 “北方小桂林”之美称。水清如碧玉,山秀如诗画,有山皆奇,有水皆秀,鬼斧神工,妙境天成,是一幅仙山圣水的自然画卷,自然景观资源十分丰富,其全长10公里的地面钙化景观,被有关专家称为中国东部唯一的钙化型峡谷景观,有资格申报世界文化遗产。

It is a state-level natural preservation area for the sake of preservation of macaques and subtropical vegetation.In the area,it is cool in summer and warm in winter .With an average annual temperature of 14℃ and the percentage of coverage of above 80%,the area is named ad the Treasury of Animals and plants in shanxi province,Particulaly,it is the utmost north where we can see macaques in the nature in this country.  As the area is quiet,unique and diffcult to reach,it is called the Mini-Guilin in the North,It is rich in natural landscape resources.The clear water and high cliff constitute a natural landscape painting whose craftsnanship can only be created by spirits.And moreover,the 10km surface calcified landscape,according to some experts,is the only calcifies valley in the esatern china,and qualified to the application foe the world cultural relics. 

蟒河旅游风景区位于阳城县城南33公里的桑林乡与河南省济源市交界处,面积58平方公里,主峰海拔1572米。蟒河景区有“秀、险、幽、奇”四大特点,享有“北方小桂林”的美誉。这里一年四季均有迷人胜景,尤以秋天看层林尽染最为赏心悦目。蟒河水从蟒河村东流过,水清如碧玉,奔流似巨蟒;莽山又在蟒河村东流过, 水清峰错列,鬼斧神工,妙境天成,有千峰拥黛,万壑云飘之象。景区内悬崖飞瀑直泻,深谷流水淙淙,百鸟啼鸣林间,野花竞相开放。起源古老的珍奇植物青檀、兰草、山萸树、领春木、牛鼻酸、红豆杉星散其间,猕猴、大鲵、麝、金猫、金雕、金钱豹等或嬉骠林莽,或翱翔蓝天。望莽孤峰拔地而起,状如巨塔,水帘洞飞珠成帘、集水万状;试剑峰如干将出鞘,锋芒逼天,蟒湖上碧波涟漪、白帆点点;铡刀缝好象天斧劈开,石人峰酷似云游行僧;窟窿山中通一孔令人称奇。山色之优美,古迹之奇异,令人耳目一新。

